5th International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation

Developments and Applications



Caixa de texto: The                         Thematic Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation: Developments and Applications, SYMCOMP2021 is the fifth conference in a series that started in 2013, and it aims bringing together academic and scientific communities that are involved with Numerical and Symbolic Computation in the most various scientific areas. 
Exchanging experiences, ideas or guidelines about current and emerging research and development areas, is a first major goal. Also due to the multidisciplinary character of this Conference it constitutes itself as a privileged forum to establish new multidisciplinary collaboration subjects and areas.
If your research and development work is in the area of numerical and/or symbolic computation research or if you use powerful computational tools (such as Mathematica, Maple, Maxima, Matlab, Scilab, Mupad, or other software applications with similar capabilities) in the context of other research areas, come and share with us your experience.

Thematic Conference

Évora, Portugal, 25-26 March 2021

For any information please contact:


Thank you very much for your participation in SYMCOMP2021.

Hoping to meet you again in SYMCOMP2023